英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-03 18:16:32
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1. 弦乐器:长笛(flute)是现代管弦乐和室内乐中主要的...今日为大家介绍4件弦乐器(String instrument),跟住会有问题回答呀,努力记吓,特别要考乐理的同学(以英文作答)一定要读啦!

The guske music is played on traditional string instrument.(卡搜音乐是在传统的管弦乐器上弹奏的。)
The work is more like an eye-catcher scenic panting of curved trunks, string-like ropes plus the scent sent by the breeze, than purely a musical instrument.(作品已不是一把纯粹意义上琴,弯曲的树干和琴弦般的绳索,以及在微风中晃动并散发清香的风景组成了一幅养眼的画卷。)
Shi Kuang explained: "the large string of a musical instrument is like the king of a state, and the small strings are like his subordinates."(师旷解释说:“一张琴,大弦就好比国君,小弦就好比臣子。”)
Pipa is an old Chinese plucked string instrument. It is also called the Chinese lute.(琵琶是一种古老的中国拨弦乐器,它也被称为中国月琴。)
Chinese Zither is a string musical instrument with over 2500 years of history.(中国古筝是一个有著2500年悠久历史的古典弦乐器。)
Not stopped by a finger. Used of a string or hole of an instrument.(不用手指按压的不用手指按住而通过弦或小孔结束的。)
And this guest can handle many kinds of string musical instrument, so, he played various guitars in his music by himself.(嘉宾会演绎多种弦乐器,所以在他的音乐里加入了自己弹奏的各种吉他效果。)
The past two decades have seen a renaissance of string-instrument-making (violins, violas and cellos) by luthiers across the world.(对制琴师来说,近二十年是全球弦乐制作的复兴时期。)
As a plucked string musical instrument of long history, classical guitar has a position as important as other Musical Instruments in the international music stage.(古典吉他作为一件具有悠久历史的弹拨乐器,在国际音乐舞台上的地位丝毫不逊于其他乐器。)
By using dual packer technique, separate-layer fracturing has been run smoothly, with matching instrument, pipe string design, sand...(较好地解决了分层压裂技术,并在工具技术、管柱设计技术、压裂填砂技术、施工技术等方面进行了配套。)
string instrument是什么意思 string instrument在线翻译 string instrument什么意思 string instrument的意思 string instrument的翻译 string instrument的解释 string instrument的发音 string instrument的同义词